Dear Bredren and Sistren of the Toronto area. As you are all aware, I am back home in richmondhill, jobless as a bumb, lazy as the lions at African lion safari, and waiting to african lion safari. I want to do some activities for the community. I got together with another youth from toronto, and we brainstormed...Here are some things I could get doing. Please, if you think you would be interested, have any questions, suggestions, etc., just leave a comment:
- Movie nights --> We watch a movie with a meaningful theme and we have an organized thoughtout discussion afterwards.
- Weekly devotionals --> We could simply get together and say prayers for different occasions.
- Weekly DEEPotionals --> This is a modified devotional developed in London. Basically, its a deepening on a certain topic, as well as a devotional. These are well organized and planned. Includes music, visual presentations and good atmosphere.
- Ruhi --> Anyone needing to complete any of the ruhi books, I am more than willing to tutor them.
- Capture the Flag/Manhunt/Mafia/Boulder-dash/imrov game nights. Just a good occasion to get some good ol' bonding going on.
- Weekly deepenings --> We could study books like "Some answered questions", The Book of Certitude, or even the Bible.
Could use all the support I can get.
If you are interested in any of these and are from the Toronto area, por favor, leave me a comment!