Sunday, May 15, 2005

Ho Mother!

The other day, I was making my way to SilverCity to watch "Unleashed" (Starring Jet Li...of COURSE I'm going to watch it!) I was on the corner of Dorchester Road and Hamilton road...on the cell phone. Now...I remembered hearing something about cell phones and driving being illegal...but I wasn't sure if that law was implemented in Canada, or only in America. I was sitting at the red light with the cell phone at my ear...when a Police car turned infront of me (on Hamilton road, turning left)...My heart began to beat faster and faster thinking to myself " it illegal? IS IT ILLEGAL??". The officer looks at me as he drives by...and as SOON as he passes me, HIS LIGHTS TURN ON!! Here I am...shatting my pants...thinking "HO MOTHER!!" The cop turns into the next complex on the left (where town and country is)...I sat there and waited for that Red Merciless light to shine upon me the LIGHT OF MERCY, AND LET ME GOOOOO. Thank God...and the street turned green, and I went... I don't think the officer was after me...I'm guessing he was just REALLY eager to get to Town and Country Pizza! I thought Unleashed was a good movie. Don't watch it if you are expecting 2 hours of has a story component to it...yes...I know...Jet Li and story....and not Full 2 hours of fighting sounds kinda fishy....but I really enjoyed it. Later that night, in my bed, I dreamt of what would have happened if it WAS illegal to call on the cell phone while driving...and how I would have been PUBLICLY HUMILIATED in the dorchester dream looked something like this...

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