Thursday, April 28, 2005

Dorchester Back Alleys...

My Dad just got back from China the other day...He was there for work. They sent him to China, First class!! Bling bling! My brother and I, knowing China for its great reputation of having CHEAP movies, compiled a list of movies for my dad to bring back. He brought back a good 25 movies, and also brought me back a Fake ROLEX! Get this...selling of rolex's is now BANNED in China, because their rolex's looks soo much like the real thing, that people will send in their FAKE rolex's to get them fixed (since rolex's have life time warranty), and the people working at Rolex can't even tell the difference between the real and fake rolex. So my dad brings me back this doesnt even run on runs on kinetic energy using the motion of your arm when you are walking! Its insane! Anyways...I wear it..and my mom goes " aren't walking in the back alleys of Dorchester anymore with that watch on!" and im like "Back ALLEYS?? WHAT BACK ALLEYS??" And she goes "that path you take from school to here! Der are Gangsters der, dey will take your watch, stab you and run.." My moms idea of a back alley is a sidewalk in the middle of a residential area that cuts between two houses...I told her not to "Gangstas" in Dorchester will take me in the "back alleys!" Little did I know... I was walking back home from a school coffee house. Around 9:00pm, dark...sun just about to disappear in the horizon. As I approached the "Back alley", I pulled the watch out from under my sleeve so as to "tempt" any "Ganstas" to BRING IT!...because I was soo confident that there is absolutely nothing to worry about! I was about halfway through the back alley...when I heard a sound in the bushes...stupid dogs I thought to myself...but the rattling got louder...
"HOOOOT!" I heard a loud yelp as a witnessed a large black boddy flip out of the bushes and appear right behind me. This object moved about with great stealth and technique...I KNEW it...I was absolutely sure that this was not a Gangsta....they do not exist in Dorchester....this was a one and only....NINJA! He quickly lunged for my Rolex, but I kicked his arm away and Round House kicked him in the head. He spun 5 times before he hit the ground. I picked him up and threw him in the trees above...but his nightmare was not done...I jumped up after him. He stood if anticipating my eagerness to get him for all the trouble he has caused me soo far...with his sword out...shinning the suns remaining bright light into my eyes...

( Just for those of you who don't know me personally, I did not actually fight a real Ninja...although IF I DID, the story would probably sound very similar to this one.)

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Video Game FAST!

Video games have their ups and their downs. If you play video games with a bunch of friends, it can actually help build stronger relationships. The bad side to video games is that if you play it on your's really a big waste of time! Ladies and Gentlemen...what I am suggesting here is that I am going on a ONE WEEK VIDEO GAME FAST! I usually play between 1-2 hours of video games PER DAY! I thought to myself..." How much more could I accomplish everyday if I spent that time doing productive things?" And so this is my experiment, not only to see how much more I get accomplished...but also to see WHAT it is that I accomplish in that time. If I just end up doing something else that is a waste of time...then there really is no reason for this "fast". I plan to read books (reading Agenls&Demons....amazing book!), practice the guitar and tombak, maybe actually spend time opening my backpack and doing some school homework ( which has been quite difficult to do ever since I got my acceptance to Western), and finally read and deepin myself in the Baha'i Writings ( FRIG thats important). Every day I am reminded of the importance of reading about Religion. Personally, I believe that there is a God, and I believe that if there is a God, then God would send Messengers to help guide humanity...soo....reaing ANY Scriptures from any religion can only be beneficial! I hope to give a bidaily report on my progress with the Video Game Fast! I could use some "encouragement" in the "comments", so COMMENT IT UP!

Saturday, April 16, 2005


Soo...the other day I was on my way to London. A bunch of other youth, myself, and with the help of some parents, we were able to start these Junior Youth classes on fridays! They start at around 7ish and go till about 9. We have three different books with different materials for the wide range of ages that we have (about 10 to 14.) We have devotions at the beginning ( Prayers), then we split into our classes and then we have some games/activities/socialization. We hope to implment some Service into the curriculum as well. to the Subject: Trains being soo primitive. I was making my way to London an HOUR early before class starts...6pm! JUST as I'm getting out of Dorchester ( Entering onto Shaw Road), I witness a train...well, at this point I'm thinking "Its all good, this thing will pass in MAX. 5 minutes!" The train is going....and I notice it begins to ACCELERATE!...which is normally a good thing...but in this wasnt, because it was acceleration in the opposite direction of motion. The train came to a full stop...and waited there about 10 minutes. At this point, I was contemplating weither I should use my Super Strength powers to push the train...but I didn't want to reveal my secret Superhero identity. After a good 30 MINUTES, the train finally started picking up speed....and left... I wasn't angry, just a little mentally crazy afterwards, thats all. My point is...JEEZ, would someone do something about these trains? They stop traffic SOO effectively!...cant we gear their ability to stopping traffic to something more useful? Like...stopping racism? or....Stopping Terrorism? Thats what I would call EFFICIENCY!

yea...I wouldn't be crying that out too loud Mr.Train...I bet there are lots of people with road rage that wouldnt mind just DRIVING right through you...

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Workin OUT!!!!

I'm 6 foot 6 inches, and a lean-fat eating machine...but gaining no weight! My solution...well....i went on Google Answer...and it was a $500 question. And so I have started taking massive quantities of Creatine and protein, and I have been working out every single night. I think my shape is starting to come out quite nicely!

hubba hubba

( Just incase for those of you who dont ACTUALLY know me....This picture is a fake...)

School Dances

My parents never really let me go to school dances! Don't really know why! They'd say "Theres drugs there!! Theres alcohol there!!" Almost as if they were just like the parents from "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". hah! I would laugh an shrug it off...well...not too long ago I decided to go to my first school dance. It seems as though people have forgotten how to dance...or what it means to dance, because over 50% of the dancers were grinding at all times. I hate to break the news to you grinders...but...grinding is a form of sex...not dancing! Grinding is known as the "dry" form of sex. Please...not what I want to see when I'm just trying to have some fun at a highschool dance! Guess what else there was at the dance? Alcohol and drugs! There were a couple drug busts...and people were kicked out and suspended...even in the small town of DORCHESTER! Many people came drunk...why? Don't know how to have fun without alcohol? Well...I personally found the school dance to be quite dissappointing!

But I must thank some people for dancing for good fun! I was able to have some fun joining some other groups of people who were Dancing the way its "meant" to be done. In the end...I must conclude...unfortunately...that my parents were right!! (BLAST!)
Posted by Hello


If you guys have not yet seen Ong-Bak...My God! I always wanted to be like Jacki Chan, or Jet Li!!! But this guy...WOW..i want to have HIS skills now!!! If you like a movie with AMAZING movies, elbow jabs to the head, car Hurdling, Vertical Wall running, with no special effects or string attached...I recommend this movie! Posted by Hello

Long Haired Erfan

Jeez...I haven't had my hair that long for a while...I've been keeping it quite short! What do you guys think? Grow it long again? Maybe a pony-tail? Posted by Hello

Dorchester Beavers

Our schools Mascot is the Beaver. I really never understood why the teachers and principle wouldn't allow the students to have a "Beaver day", or "Beaver Newspaper", or "Beaver Stock"'m really beginning to understand...and you are all SICK MINDED PEOPLE! Posted by Hello


Very Interesting to see these soo called "Blogs" get soo popular...I never really heard of it till my brother told me about it. To be quite frank...I thought it sounded quite funny at first...but I think they can be kinda cool!! So...I decided to create my OWN BLOG!!! MWAHAHA.