Soo...the other day I was on my way to London. A bunch of other youth, myself, and with the help of some parents, we were able to start these Junior Youth classes on fridays! They start at around 7ish and go till about 9. We have three different books with different materials for the wide range of ages that we have (about 10 to 14.) We have devotions at the beginning ( Prayers), then we split into our classes and then we have some games/activities/socialization. We hope to implment some Service into the curriculum as well. to the Subject: Trains being soo primitive. I was making my way to London an HOUR early before class starts...6pm! JUST as I'm getting out of Dorchester ( Entering onto Shaw Road), I witness a train...well, at this point I'm thinking "Its all good, this thing will pass in MAX. 5 minutes!" The train is going....and I notice it begins to ACCELERATE!...which is normally a good thing...but in this wasnt, because it was acceleration in the opposite direction of motion. The train came to a full stop...and waited there about 10 minutes. At this point, I was contemplating weither I should use my Super Strength powers to push the train...but I didn't want to reveal my secret Superhero identity. After a good 30 MINUTES, the train finally started picking up speed....and left... I wasn't angry, just a little mentally crazy afterwards, thats all. My point is...JEEZ, would someone do something about these trains? They stop traffic SOO effectively!...cant we gear their ability to stopping traffic to something more useful? Like...stopping racism? or....Stopping Terrorism? Thats what I would call EFFICIENCY!
yea...I wouldn't be crying that out too loud Mr.Train...I bet there are lots of people with road rage that wouldnt mind just DRIVING right through you...
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