Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Dorchester Beavers

Our schools Mascot is the Beaver. I really never understood why the teachers and principle wouldn't allow the students to have a "Beaver day", or "Beaver Newspaper", or "Beaver Stock"'m really beginning to understand...and you are all SICK MINDED PEOPLE! Posted by Hello

1 comment:

Karen said... I have recently discovered Blog-stocking, or blog-surfing. I came across yours today. I was entertained, especially by this comic. I go to Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Terre Haute, IN, and we have a nice small community of friends. For some reason, we have a large number of squirrels on campus, and everyone thinks they're hilarious. I can't really explain why, but it's a common belief held by the students...our squirrels are funny. So this comic is beautiful in and of itself, but it will hold a special place in a my humor heart. HAHA! ...Don't take me seriously, but I thanks!
With love and a smile,