Saturday, May 21, 2005


I must say...ever since I got Adobe Photpshop again, it's been quite difficult NOT to use...I looked through all my pictures for pictures of people where ATLEAST 3/4 of their body was showing, and they must be doing some kind of a job is to find which one is the REAL model!! (Its...really....not that difficult...especially if you watch Americas Next Top Model.)

I call this picture the COLLAGE....I love it...I have it on my desktop.


*~Sandra~* said...

You've been slacking on your blogging!!!!

Anonymous said...

Tell me erfan how do you know who America's next top model is anyways, do you even Watch tv?

Erfan said...

WHO is this anonymous writer? Faizi? You got BEEF??

Paul J. Heidema said...

The model is definately on the far right. That guy with the bag over his shoulder should be working for Wal-Mart or something.