Sunday, November 13, 2005

Clubbin' Review...

My last two blogs may not have seemed 'everyday' practical for many people, so I thought I'd comment on something almost EVERYONE has experienced by this age. Clubbing...I am still under 18, and my 19+ friends (yea...I'm Cooool) go clubbing and really enjoy themselves. Sounds like it would be lots of fun...but I always asked myself...when I'm over 18, will I be a fan of clubbing? Is it right? I am a Baha'i ( and the Baha'i Faith upholds standards of Excellence. I do not want to tell people "Yes, I am Baha'i", but not truly believe in it, not fully trust the Faith, and ignore certain principles as I if I went clubbing...would I be contradicting my beliefs? I had my first clubbing experience (over 19 experience with my bros ID...ahem) not too long ago to understand whether clubbing WOULD be against the Baha'i Faith. The Baha'i Faith does not prohibit 'dancing', but promotes chastity, and prohibits alcohol consumption. I will recount my story by occasionally adding a one word sentence; "Interesting" to try and promote analysis of the previous sentence to decipher for yourself whether the event is 'good' or 'bad'. A number of friends and myself were headed for Jacks..and just as we entered the back parkinglot...a man was thrown out the back...with a bloody face, engaged in a conflict with one of the bouncers. Interesting. After about 10 minutes of freezing our butts off outside, we made our way inside and onto the dance floor. I found out something that very moment...Damn...I REALLY like to DANCE! Even when I'm tired, I can squeeze out some good energy and dance. I started to look around...girls dancing on guys, guys dancing on girls, girls dancing on girls. Interesting. Unexpectedly, one of the very friends I was with began to search for a girl to grind with...Very interesting. My friend was dancing and someone steped on his he gave him a nudge to get off his shoe. The guy turns around, and gives him an intimidating look...followed by the hand sign language for peace (Who DOES THAT?). Interesting...As I was looking around the club with my super tall neck, I spotted some friends I had seen before at school. One was leaning back...looking all cool, and when I made eye contact I gave him a nice smile and wave. I got a half smile, with the two finger salute...Inteerresssting. I quickly came to find that people act differently in the club, another more intimidating personality comes out. I think dancing is great!...I love to dance! Yes! Dancing! But clubs...they arent for dancing. Should I be promoting such a place that has people with bloody faces coming out that back of the building? Should I be supporting a place that turns sweet kind people into intimidating, 'cool' people? Should I support a place where I can see girls/guys yelling at other girls/guys, or girls/guys yelling at other guys/girls because they say "You took mah MAN" or "I saw you dancin' wit HER/HIM!". The only reason I would continue going clubbing in HIGH moderation is because all my friends go, and its an integral part of society. It's unfortunate that clubbing isn't just about dancing and EVERYONE having fun...but still knowing the boundaries. Maybe its possible to go clubbing with a bunch of friends, and mind our own businesses and have our own fun...but still...I am supporting the Cause of Clubbing. In Conclusion...Mostly...I think clubbing would be contradicting my it contradicting yours? Add comments por favor.

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