I'm sure you have all seen those TV shows or TV ads.."God spoke to me"..."God sent down this woman", "God cured my cancer"...etc. Well...I can attest to such claims. Many people have heard the voice of God in their prayers...while on their knees begging for mercy...and in the most sacred and meditative of moments...but my experience was a bit different. God spoke to me on the Volleyball Court. A group of substantial Athletes...gathered and decided to form an exceptional volleyball team..co-ed competative...we named our team "Are you hungry?". We lost our first game today, no sweat, just win the next two. We won the next game with a condemning lead, which gave us great confidence for our third game. ( For all you volley-ballas out there...the third game goes to 15). We were exerting absolute dominance...winning by double their score! The other team spiked the ball, tipped my fingers, and went out. The Ref did not see me touch the ball, and called it as our point. I came out and said the truth, that I had touched the ball....since the quote "Truthfulness is the Foundation of All Human Virtues" was flashing out at me from Ruhi book 1. I felt like "damn...there...I did something honest...so in the end, we should win." The score became 14 to 8 for us...Time for us to win!...was what we were all thinking...We had many opportunities to finish the game...perfect sets...not being aggressive...waiting for them to make mistakes...and it was not working in our benefit. Then...came the very moment that God spoke to me...the very Glorious moment that motivated me to write this very blog...It was our time to finish the game. A perfect set to finish the game was given to me...wait...me??...or...my brother?....Hell no!!....IM TAKING THIS!!...IM GOING TO FINISH IT!...My Ego...selfishness....cause me...and my brother...to both jump and try and hit the ball at the same time...resulting in a twin tower collision (we are both tall) and a fatal collapse...The point was not taken....at that very moment...God said to me "Youuuuu Egotistical, Selfish, Son of A ...!" I had realized...maybe Truthfulness IS the foundation of all human virtues...but other virtues, like being selfless, will help build the outter structure of such a foundation. As a result...we lost the game...one of the most painful...heartbreaking events that I have experience...in a while. Lesson Learnt?: Be less Selfish and egotisical FOOL....jeez...look at the pic in my LAST BLOG FOR HEAVENS SAKE!
Peace out,
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